
Friday, 14 February 2014

Nelson Mandela - Looking at evidence

Year five, six and Rosie, who is in year 4 are learning about Nelson Mandela. In this picture we have written about his childhood. We prepared some questions about what we wanted to know about his early life and then we read different recounts about his life. We found out that some information sources are wrong for example in two papers his mother's name was different.



Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Big Dance Off

Some fantastic news has just arrived from Birmingham. The Children have got to the final of... 

'The Big Dance Off' 

They have been in Birmingham today competing with other schools from around the Midlands area. Their dance was inspired by the Viking raid on Lindisfarne

The final will be held in Oxford on June 10th 2014

Children talking about their experience

Here is a video clip about the event. The two year three children who narrated and organised this using photostory 3 were excellent, very dedicated to getting their narration correct.

Writing will appear after half term - here are the children in year 3 and 4 working on their first drafts

