
Sunday, 27 May 2012

Work back in London

Children returned to London to make videos using the photos taken on the trip - here is one of them

Street Party

After a great day at the museum we all returned to St Mary's for a great street party.  Even the staff got into the mood and dressed up in role

Bewdley Museum

The children went to the museum to learn about what it was like during the second world war. They had the opportunity to go into an air raid shelter as well as wearing equipment such as gas masks.

 It was pretty cramped in the air raid shelter

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Train Journey on Second Day

    A great day on the steam train


First Full Day In Shropshire

The children spent their first day in Bucknell taking part in a variety of activities planned and prepared  by the school and village
The Play 'Put that light out@
Waiting for the Peckham children 


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Travelling to Shropshire

With help from parents and staff from Oliver Goldsmith Primary School the children made their way to Euston Station where they went by train to Wolverhampton. Coaches were waiting there to take the children and staff to their accommodation.  For three nights the children stayed at Wilderhope Manor. Everyone in Peckham would also like to thank the staff at the manor for making their stay as comfortable as possible.

Evacuation Project 2011

As you are all aware last year our school took part in an evacuation project with Oliver Goldsmith Primary School in London.  Everybody had a fantastic time. The children of Peckham would love to thank everyone from St Mary's Primary school and the village of Bucknell for making them feel so welcome. The activities arranged for the children were very exciting. Pictures of this event will appear here soon.Here are the children talking about getting ready for the trip  Children getting ready

St Mary's has received a letter from the education authority praising the work of everyone involved. See a copy of this letter below. 

Shropshire Council
Education Improvement Service
The Shirehall
Abbey Forgate

Date: 30 April 2012
My ref: AG/aep

Dear Kate and Anna

World War Two Project

Details of the work the school did on their World War Two Project have recently been sent to me. I was aware of the very positive response from teachers and advisory colleaguesto the display in the Shrewsbury Training and Development Centre, but the good news about the inclusion of the work in ‘Primary History’ is very impressive. I have seen the response from Dr Jon Nichol and can only agree with his estimation of the high quality of the work.

The scale and scope of the project is inspiring and the level of community involvement is impressive. Above all, the responses from the children from both schools to the work and to each other were a pleasure to read. The project makes a real statement about the impact of such a high quality educational experience developed by committed staff,governors and the local community; I am sure it will stay with the children for many years to come.

I would like to add my congratulations to what must be a growing list of positive responses and thank everyone involved for the time, energy and effort that they put into the project.
